Trump Budget Compromises Important Diplomacy Programs

Our interest in preserving State Department programs, like the visitor exchange, is not self-promoting; it is national security preserving. After 27 years supporting cultural exchange programs, we know that programs aimed at creating global connections work. They accomplish the goal of greater understanding and establish early diplomatic ties with foreigner students, many of whom are destined to be the next leaders of their countries. We passionately believe in the principles of these educational programs that enlighten not only our foreign guests, but the many American businesses that benefit from their passion, commitment and interest in being a part of our country and culture.

The recently announced State Department budget cuts threaten this and other “soft” programs that are essential in the quest for a peaceful and prosperous planet.  Our national security is a bi-partisan concern of every American.  “Soft” programs are essential in winning any war against oppression, poverty, aggression and ignorance. Educated and enlightened minds are the ones that find common ground, compromise and peaceful solutions.

All of us at Alliance Abroad ask for your support in petitioning members of Congress. The beauty of democracy is that we all have a voice, and together, our voice will be made louder.

America is a great nation because we care about people beyond our own backyards and borders. We understand that no country, not matter how great, can remain powerful and peaceful in total isolation.

Please sign the petition and encourage others who want to join us in preserving programs that create U.S. allies and ambassadors around the world.


“The deadline for members of Congress to join the “Dear Colleague” letter is Wednesday, March 22, 2017 so your prompt support is appreciated.

Your Friends at Alliance Abroad

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