Shouting at the Pub

In Australia, pubs are a thing.  You’ll be in one at some point, even if you don’t drink alcohol.  They are the center of the community and an important part of the fabric of society.  There is practically one on every corner.  There is a pub for every taste: glitzy pubs, sleazy pubs, pubs for blue-collar workers, pubs for college professors, pubs for actors, pubs for jewelry makers, pubs for families…there are even pubs for pets (probably, somewhere in Australia there is a cat pub, we didn’t really fact check cat pubs but you get the point).

Given that you are in Australia on a work and travel program, there to enjoy the culture and fit in a bit, you’re going to be in a pub.  And you are going to have to shout at some point, and that doesn’t mean raise your voice.  It means you are going to have to buy a round of drinks for your friends.  Everyone buys a round for everyone else, and as a guest the first round will be bought for you.  Then at some point it will be your shout, and either you will say “it’s my shout” or someone will simply tell you “hey, it’s your shout.” 

Australian pub culture is very similar to British pub culture, so if you are familiar with real British pubs, you’ll be fine – or if you’ve watched a lot of EastEnders or Home and Away, you will also be fine.  But you will still need to know how to properly order drinks like a real Australian when it’s your shout. 

A pint (20 oz) is a common size for a mug of beer and is called a “pint” everywhere, except in South Australia where it is called a “schooner.”  A half-pint, AKA a “middy” or a “pot,” is 10 oz.  A pitcher of beer is called a “jug.”  A bottle of beer is a “brownie” and brownies come in two sizes, a “tallie” (long-neck) and a “stubby” (short-neck).  A can of beer is a “tinnie.” Don’t worry – they have wine and liquor in Australia, and ordering something other than beer is about the same as anywhere else.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions – Australians are happy to share their pub culture because to a true Australian, a pub is a bar that feels like home.

Shout at us.  We are here to help!

Author: Theo Kitchen

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